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What You Need to Know About Endometriosis and Infertility

A diagnosis of endometriosis may bring both relief and anxiety. If you’ve had trouble getting a diagnosis for your problems, you’re likely relieved to finally know what’s going on. But, endometriosis can also be a scary diagnosis and can cause anxiety about your health and fertility. 

At University Reproductive Associates, or URA, our providers specialize in infertility treatments for women with endometriosis. We can help you understand your specific situation, your options, and what your future gynecological health may be. 

Endometriosis explained

The lining of your uterus is called the endometrium. Normally, this lining sheds each month as part of your menstrual cycle. If you have endometriosis, a tissue that is considered “endometrium-like” grows outside of your uterus and cannot properly shed. Typically the tissue is found in your pelvic region, such as your ovaries and fallopian tubes. However, it can grow in other areas of your body as well.

The symptoms of endometriosis

The symptoms of endometriosis vary, and you may not have all of them. To some extent, your symptoms have to do with where the tissue grows outside of your uterus. You may experience some of the following symptoms: 

It’s possible to have endometriosis and not have any symptoms at all. Endometriosis most often affects women in their 30s and 40s, but women of all ages can be diagnosed with this condition.

Endometriosis and infertility 

About half of women with endometriosis have fertility issues as a result of the condition. Many of them, however, are able to conceive once their condition has been treated. Some women are able to get pregnant with no problems even though they have endometriosis. 

Treating endometriosis

There are several treatment options for endometriosis. The condition can’t be cured, but treatment can help relieve your symptoms. Over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers may ease your pain. For some women, hormone therapy can relieve the symptoms of endometriosis, but it doesn’t change the underlying problem. 

If endometriosis is causing severe pain and fertility problems, surgery may be necessary to remove the abnormal tissue. Ablation is sometimes used to remove this tissue, but the procedure isn’t always effective, and your symptoms can return after the procedure. 

Our team provides an extensive evaluation of your situation and suggests treatment plans based on your individual circumstances. This is critically important because there are so many variables in endometriosis. Laparoscopic or robotic surgery may be the most effective way to remove damaged tissue and enhance your chances of becoming pregnant. 

Endometriosis may sound like a scary diagnosis, but with the right medical support you can find relief for your symptoms and treatment to address any fertility issues. You don’t have to go through this alone.

If you’d like to learn more about our approach to treating endometriosis, schedule an appointment at URA. Our staff is happy to discuss your options with you and guide you through making decisions regarding your treatment. 

We have three convenient locations in Hasbrouck, Hoboken, and Wayne. You can schedule an appointment at any of them using our online tools or simply calling the facility that works best for you. 

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