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How Do I Know If I Have Fibroids? 3 Tips To Prepare For Your Endometrial Biopsy

Fibroids are muscular tumors that grow on the uterine walls and are usually benign. While most women don’t experience any painful symptoms, some severe cases require an endometrial biopsy, where a small tissue sample is taken from the lining of the uterus. The sample is viewed under a microscope for abnormalities. Fibroids can also be removed to reduce painful symptoms.



An endometrial biopsy may be performed in numerous instances, including cases of abnormal menstrual bleeding or lack of bleeding. The procedure may also be performed to diagnose hormonal changes or cancerous growths. An endometrial biopsy can be used to remove fibroids or polyps that are causing severe pain.



Before going through with the procedure, patients must inform the doctor about a confirmed or suspected pregnancy. Undergoing an endometrial biopsy while pregnant can lead to a miscarriage. Patients must also inform doctors about any sensitivities or allergies to medicines, latex, iodine, or anesthesia.



Doctors may ask patients to record menstrual cycles if the procedure needs to be performed at a specific time.

Patients can take an over-the-counter pain reliever 30-60 minutes before the procedure. A light sedative may also be used. Patients should have a friend or family member be ready to drive home after the procedure.

Patients can bring a sanitary napkin to prevent bleeding onto surfaces such as a car seat.



About 20-80% of women develop fibroids by the age of 50. Some women experience no symptoms, but symptoms can also be unbearable. Fibroids can add pressure to the bladder, requiring patients to urinate frequently. Unusually large fibroids can even protrude out of the abdomen. Other symptoms include pain during sex, lower back pain, feelings of fullness in the pelvic area, painful periods, and heavy bleeding.



An endometrial biopsy can be performed in no time. In just 10 minutes, a doctor removes a tissue sample or a larger sized tissue depending on the condition. A doctor will insert a catheter with a suctioning end into the uterus. The doctor gently guides the catheter tip to collect and remove the necessary tissue sample.



After the procedure, patients are advised to remain relaxed. Patients shouldn’t use tampons, have sex for a few days or perform any strenuous physical activity. A biopsy can confirm the presence of abnormal growths and reduce the overall pain of large fibroids or outgrowths. Patients can discuss treatment and recovery options more in-depth with a healthcare provider.

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