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5 Reasons You Have Pain During Ovulation | What You Can Do

When a woman releases her egg from one of her ovaries, the egg travels down the fallopian tube where it may be fertilized by a sperm cell. Although ovulation only lasts for one day, many women feel some pain or discomfort around this time during their cycle. Though a sudden twinge as the egg bursts out of the ovary is normal, persistent pain could be a sign of something more serious. Here are five reasons you may have pain during ovulation.



Though the exact cause of ovulation pain is unknown. Mild discomfort may be caused by an emerging or ruptured follicle as the egg bursts forth. If ovulation pain is a minor irritation and quickly passes, this is quite normal. In such a circumstance, taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDs), relaxing in a hot bath, or a pelvic massage can help ease the discomfort.



Women who experience mild but persistent pain may be suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The doctor will test for this by performing a pelvic exam and ordering blood tests and ultrasound. Treatment may include medication such as birth control, to help regulate menstruation.



If the pain is very severe and prolonged, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) may be responsible. This condition sometimes occurs in women who have recently dealt with a sexually transmitted infection. Pain arises when bacteria travel to the cervix or vagina and is diagnosed with a pelvic exam and a blood test. The doctor will treat this condition with a course of antibiotics.



Women experiencing severe pain during ovulation should always seek medical advice. In some cases, pain may be due to endometriosis. In this disorder, the uterus lining grows outside of the uterus. The doctor will perform a pelvic exam and an ultrasound to diagnose this condition. Typically is treated with NSAIDs which ease the pain and reduce endometrial growth.



There is no sense in trying to deal with acute pain during ovulation that is caused by salpingitis. This is a condition which causes inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The doctor will perform a pelvic examination and a blood test. Typical treatment is a course of antibiotics.

Ovulation doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck, or anywhere else. Women who are experiencing prolonged or severe pain during ovulation should talk to an OB/GYN.

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