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5 Reasons to Consider Freezing Your Eggs

Modern medicine has evolved to give women more control over their reproductive health. Birth control allows them to decide when they get pregnant, and fertility treatments can help them conceive when they’re ready. 

If you want to delay having children or protect your dreams of having a family, freezing your eggs may keep that possibility open for your future. 

At University Reproductive Associates, with offices in Hasbrouck Heights, Wayne, and Hoboken, New Jersey, our fertility experts offer egg freezing to preserve your future fertility. Choosing to freeze your eggs is a personal decision, so it’s important to understand the process and how it can benefit you. 

The freezing process 

The egg freezing process may seem overwhelming, but is very doable with our help and guidance throughout. You are given daily injections to stimulate your ovaries to produce as many eggs as possible. After 10-14 days of fertility treatment, you undergo a procedure called an egg retrieval to remove the eggs. 

During this procedure, you will be lightly sedated to ensure your comfort. A transvaginal ultrasound is used to guide a needle to your ovaries, where the cells in the ovaries are gently removed. From there, your eggs will be transferred to a sterile test tube for further evaluation. 

All the mature eggs are selected and frozen using an advanced cryopreservation technique, allowing them to be stored for extended periods of time. When you’re ready to have children, the eggs are fertilized in a lab, and the embryo is implanted into your uterus. 

Reasons to consider egg freezing 

More women are choosing to freeze their eggs, both to extend their fertility and provide peace of mind. There are many reasons you might consider freezing your eggs, and here are some of the most common explanations given by other women: 

  1. You want to delay children to pursue your career.
  2. You aren't comfortable having children now but think you may in the future.
  3. You have a medical condition or are considering a medical treatment that affects fertility. 
  4. You have a family history of early menopause. 
  5. You have ethical or religious concerns that can be alleviated by freezing your eggs. 

The most common reason for egg freezing is security. If you’re concerned that you might have trouble conceiving later in life, egg freezing can settle your mind. There is no guarantee that your eggs will result in a baby, but it does increase your chances of having children, even if your fertility is affected in the future. 

Are you considering egg freezing? Learn more by speaking with the specialists at University Reproductive Associates. To schedule a consultation just call 201-288-6330 or visit the contact page for more information. 

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